Quiet Quitting
Do a quick Google search, and you'll find that everyone seems to be talking about Quiet Quitting. We want to understand what Quiet Quitting is all about. We're building a psychometrically validated scale to measure Quiet Quitting, and we need your help!
Our goal is to measure Quiet Quitting so we can understand how it works. The short survey we're asking you to complete will help to make that happen.
At the end of the survey, you will get a personalized score and see how your score stacks up against others who took the survey.
For the latest survey results, checkout our live dashboard.
Our purpose is to connect with you, our best source of knowledge about Quiet Quitting.
Working with you, together, we can build a scale to measure Quiet Quitting.
Today, people are being asked to do more and more at work, but are being given less and less in return.
Not surprisingly, people are pushing back with Quiet Quitting.
People are trying to restore some of what has been taken from them...
Our aim is to find real solutions to improve workers' lives.
Scientific knowledge about Quiet Quitting opens that door.
Together, we can take back work-life balance, and restore some of what people have lost.
The project is initiated and developed by
*Dr. Daniel G. Bachrach, the University of Alabama
Dr. Maria Guedes, ISEG Portugal
Dr. Pankaj C. Patel, Villanova University
*listed in alphabetical order
The study is pre-registered on Open Science Framework at: https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/KTPAB
The study received ethical approval from the ISEG, Lisbon School of Economics & Management, University of Lisbon
[approval number 22/2022; approved on October 10, 2022]